
【Social Studies】India 從香料的五感之旅認識印度

Last week in our social studies class we did our final unit on India. As a special treat for the students, I brought in lots of different Indian spices. The kids had lots of fun experiencing multi-sensory teaching as they touched and smelled the different ingredients. Finally, they picked the ones they liked and made their own Indian spice mix to take home! They all enjoyed the class very much!

上週的社會探究(Social Studies)課中,「印度」的主題課程迎來尾聲,在最後的單元中,Danny老師帶來各式多元的印度香料,透過五感的多元體驗,孩子們都非常沉浸其中。老師讓大家挑選喜歡的香料,將其放入研磨機中打碎,變成專屬調製的印度混和香料包並且帶回家收藏!孩子們聞著彼此的成果,有些孩子的調味特色強烈,有些孩子的辣味顯著,有些孩子的咖哩味特別突出,整間教室瀰漫著濃郁的異國風味,非常有趣~~~

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