
【STEAM】fossils and the science of Paleontology 化石與古生物學

Our second grade STEAM class is studying fossils and the science of paleontology. To introduce the unit, Mrs. Lin taught some vocabulary words related to paleontology: paleontologist, fossil, trowel, chisel, compass, brush, hammer, magnifying glass. The students played a quick Kahoot matching game to review the vocabulary. Then they were given the task to "excavate" chocolate chip "fossils" from a cookie. First, they sketched a map of the outside of their cookie. Then they wrote down a guess for how many chocolate chips they thought they could see from the outside of the cookie. They chose a tool (a plastic knife or a chopstick) and "excavated" the chocolate chips. After all the chocolate chips were removed, they counted them and compared the number to their original guess. Next was the best part: they got to eat the cookie!🍪

二年級的STEAM課程正在學習「化石」以及「古生物學」,Mrs.Lin在授課時,首先讓孩子們認識與古生物學相關的詞彙,例如paleontologist, fossil, trowel…等等,並用Kahoot的配對遊戲來複習這些單字。

接著,這堂課孩子們最重要的任務是「挖掘」巧克力豆餅乾🍪中的「化石(巧克力豆)」,體驗考古的樂趣! 孩子們在講義上先描繪出餅乾的外型,透過觀察外表,猜猜總共會挖到幾顆巧克力豆。接著可以選擇考古的器具(塑膠刀子或筷子),開始進行考古挖掘!孩子們小心翼翼地切割餅乾,最後把挖掘的巧克力豆總數與最初猜測的數字比較,看看誰具有最敏銳的觀察力🧐


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